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Benefits of ELDOA

The ELDOAs and Myofascial Stretches are very specific and complex, and require strict attention to form and progressions. Although, everyone can benefit from ELDOAs and Myofascial Stretches, proper instruction from a certified ELDOA/MFS Instructor is crucial for these techniques to be helpful and effective. By attending ELDOA The Woodlands classes, you will receive instruction from a professional certified instructor, and the hour dedicated to stretching enhances many possible health benefits including:

  • Normalize Disc Bulges

  • Reduced Degrees of Scoliosis

  • Increased Flexibility

  • Improved Muscle Performance and Tone

  • Normalization of Visceral Function

  • Reduced Stress

  • Injury Recovery and Prevention

  • Reduced Joint Inflammation and Arthrosis

  • Delayed Disc Degeneration

  • Increased Disc Hydration

  • Increased Blood Flow

  • Improved Posture

  • Relief of Chronic and Acute Back Pain

  • Relief of Neck and Shoulder Tension

  • Improved Awareness and Overall Well-Being

  • Improved Recovery Time for Sports and Training

  • Reduced Forward-Head Posture

For further information on the ELDOA and how it can benefit you , please visit :


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The ELDOA The Woodlands classes and website are not meant to diagnose or offer medical advice.  Do not rely on the information provided as an alternative to medical advice from your health care providers. If you have specific questions about any medical matter, please consult your physician or professional healthcare provider. All those with a chronic/acute injury or medical condition who wish to attend the ELDOA The Woodlands classes must first receive clearance from their doctor or registered healthcare professional prior to participation.

What is ELDOA

ELDOA, originally in French is Etirements Longitudinaux avec Decoaptation Osteo-Articulaire, which translates to LOADS: Longitudinal Osteo-Articular De-coapitative Stretching. Designed and perfected by world renowned French Osteopathic Doctor Guy Voyer, the ELDOA practice is a highly effective treatment for ailments such as arthrosis, neurological pinching, disc compression, articular lesions, chronic tightness, headaches, joint pain, soft tissue tension, hormonal imbalance and the list continues!


The ELDOAs are postural exercises with the primary goal being to increase the space within a chosen joint or articulation. As the ELDOA “create” space, there is an improvement in joint mechanics, increased blood flow, reduced pressure on the discs, a reduction of pain, spinal disc rehydration, better muscle tone, improved posture, and a sense of wellbeing and awareness.

The human spine is a complicated and vital structure. Compression and articular blocks can cause pain, arthritis and neurological conditions. The ELDOA postures are a highly effective solution to these conditions. The ELDOA are very precise postures that target a specific joint region to provide relief from pain and restore balance.


The ELDOA postures use myofascial stretching to put tension around a primary lesion making it the center of “separating forces.” The myofascial tension solicits a postural normalization in a specific joint resulting in numerous benefits.

ELDOAs are not limited to just the spine. There are ELDOA postures for all joints of the sacrum and pelvis as well as the shoulders and skull.


For more information about Guy Voyer, DO, click button below:

What is ELDOA


For a long time now we believed that we knew how to stretch muscles; however, how do you stretch a muscle when it is sheathed in a leather casing? Muscles are three dimensional in shape with multiple sites of attachment, and the fascia is the thin skin weaving into and surrounding structures like the muscle tissue, linking various structures together in a chain that includes the joint or joint capsule.


All the connective tissue in the body is made of water and this water is arranged in microscopic tubules. The fascia is continuous upon itself: it is one single entity. To stretch a specific muscle, it is better to consider it as a link in a specific chain extending from the toes to the back of the knee, inserting into one or more of the ligaments of the pelvis. This is the ‘real anatomy’ of the body and respects the global organization of its tissues. A stretching posture will be chosen to solicit the tension of the whole fascial chain to correct the specific muscle link.


With myofascial stretching (MFS), the goal is not to gain flexibility of a muscle, but to improve the quality of the movement of the tissues in relation to one another. MFS is the only type of stretching that respects this organization of all tissue.


What is Myofascial Stretching
What is FASCIA and why is it so important?

What is FASCIA and why is it so important?

The fascia is the skin of the structure that gives it shape and structural integrity. Fascia is the sheet of areolar or fibroelastic tissue that sheaths the entire body and organs. It insinuates itself between the muscles; it sheaths the nerves,blood vessels and lymphatics.


All the connective tissue except the bone is organized in the shape of fascia. They are the envelopes,sheaths,septum, support membranes, separating sheets and the attachments points. During normal evolution, the fascia is subject to changes, changes  such as thickening, shortening, calcifying or degenerating, and sometimes this becomes painful; fascial stiffening is aggravated by anything that increases the tension and its retraction.


It is a popular belief in the fitness industry that the facia can only be moved or released by the means of massage or tools, however this is not the case. Myofascial release involves much more than just creating a compression on the skin surface. In fact, there is a much larger influence on improving the quality of the fascia by bringing balance to the tensegrity model in which our bodies work. This is best achieved through the facilitation of the neurological system while creating tensions throughout the fascial chains to improve the fascia's ability to slide and respond both superficially and at the deeper levels. This is where ELDOAs and Myofascial Stretches are most successful in the treatment of the fascia. These self-normalization techniques restore the functionality as well as the quality of this omnidirectional matrix. 

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